Sunday, November 18, 2007

1992 Pinnacle Series 2 - Bagwell wrapper

I found packs of this stuff today three for a buck. There are four different wrapper designs featuring four stars of 1992: Don Mattingly, Jeff Bagwell, Tom Glavine and Ruben Sierra. I got one pack of each so let's see what player has the best pack. I'll open them up in order of uniform number so #5 Jeff Bagwell is up first.

Each wrapper has not only a different player, but also a different advertisement on the back. Here's what's on Jeff's wrapper:

All right! Jeff knows the score. Do cards, not drugs kids! Heh. Knows the Score. I made a pun. The best athletes take care of their bodies and don't use toxic substances. Toxic substances such as...

Barry shoulda collected Pinnacle cards. Lets crack this thing open.

585 Jack Morris & Steve Avery - The Idols
600 Rusty Meacham
615 Benito Santiago blueprint
541 Donovan Osbourne
556 Denny Neagle
462 Mike Bordick
478 Craig Lefferts
482 Kenny Rogers
498 Joe Girardi
502 Glenn Braggs
518 Matt Young
357 Rafael Belliard
363 Eric Anthony
377 Mariano Duncan
383 Charles Nagy
397 Dave Martinez

The first card in the pack is cool, but kind of painful. From the back:
Growing up in Michigan, Steve was inspired by the pitching mastery of the Tigers' Jack Morris, who won no fewer than 14 games per season from 1979 through 1988. Little did Steve know then that his childhood idol would defeat his team in the seventh game of the 1991 World Series. Steve has a chance to dominate in the '90's as Morris did in the '80's.
This card was a real kick in the ass for a Braves fan in 1992. It's even worse now since Avery ended up flaming out in the mid-90's. The blueprint cards were some of the coolest cards around back then. Not only is the design neat, but there's "how to throw out a runner" tips on the back. Seeing Donovan Osbourne and Denny Neagle as rookie prospects makes me feel old. Kenny Rogers is stylin' in his Rangers uniform and 5.42 ERA. Think he'll apologize to put that uni on again? He booted Boras, so that's a start. The photos in this set are all pretty cool. There are 6 cards in this pack where the player has thrown the ball and it can be seen floating in the black border after the release. The Yankees' new manager is in full catcher's gear chasing after a pop-up. My favorite in the pack has Rafael Belliard floating in midair. This being a second series, there are a lot of marginal players in the pack, but it's still a good start. Let's see how Ruben Sierra matches up on Monday.

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