Thursday, January 31, 2008

Topps '52 Hobby

Living near Cooperstown has its advantages -- and disadvantages.The advantages are that you are so close to the baseball mecca, loads of card shops and everything that is baseball. The disadvantages arethe same!

Anyway, went to visit the hall for a little while today, then visitedmy favorite card shop there. That can always be a mistake. Anyway, hehad a hobby box of Topps 52. I couldn't quite pull the trigger on a box(though I think I might collect this set. I really like the look of itand there are some really nice cards).

OK, I know, enough of the jabbering. On with the packs!

(I've opted to post all five instead of one pack at a time as I didn't want to hold it out for five straight days!)

Pack 1:
89 Troy Cate
53 Shawn Riggans
88 Joseph Bisenius (sweet, PC card)
52 Ryan Sweeney (too bad this isn't Sox or no Sox!)
24 Jamie Burke
176 Aaron Laffey
134 Dennis Dove
129 Kevin Mahar

Pack 2:
110 Micah Owens
92 Devern Hansack
105 Kyle Kendrick (PC)
120 Yovani Gallardo
20 Ryan Braun
186 Ehern Wassermann (Sox or no Sox??)
159 Edwin Bellorin
136 Jose Garcia

Pack 3
21 Brian Barden
10 Kevin Kouzmanoff
12 Kurt Suzukuki
50 Daisuke Matsuzaka
TCRC46 Danny Putnam (Chrome 1422/1952)
175 Mauro Zarate
206 Drew Anderson
108 Julio DePaula

Pack 4
49 Travis Metcalf
67 Juan Perez
54 Billy Sadler
217 Mitch Maier
52S-BC Brett Carroll auto (on card)
178 Danny Richar (Sox or no sox?)
135 J.D. Durbin (PC)
165 Carmen Pignatiello

Pack 5
36 Brett Carroll (Look at his reproduced card auto compared to the real one above...)
38 Nick Gorneault
76 Jesus Flores
TCRC14 Alex Gordon (Chrome 1476/1952)
DD6 Okajima/Matsizaka dynamic duos
203 Phil Dumatrait
194 Scott Moore
153 Brendan Ryan

Not a bad round of packs. This was a fresh box that he opened when I was there, so I knew three autos were available. I dug down on each side and grabbed a few packs and all from there. So I was pretty happy to pull an auto. The Gordon chrome was pretty nice, too.

One thing I never knew until a few weeks ago at a card show was that Topps puts an H on hobby packs. Now whenever I'm looking at packs, I look for that H! (You can see it on the pack I scanned at the top). Anyone know if Upped Deck does something like this?

1 comment:

  1. Heh, the difference between the two Brett Carrol autographs is hilarious. The one printed on the card looks like a doodle of a chicken head.
