Tuesday, February 12, 2008

PACK WAR - 1990 Fleer

Ok, this offseason has not been kind to your Pack A Day denizens. Thorzul and I particularly have had a rough time of it. It's been entirely too long without baseball, our teams missed the playoffs, one of our football teams imploded in the preseason, the other blew up in the postseason. Tensions have been high waiting for 2008 Topps and for pitchers and catchers to report. We've been resorting to ripping basketball, Hamtaro, hockey and *ahem* other packs to make it through the long winter. Well, finally the pressure got to us and things may have been said. You know, things like "Prince should be called 'King-size'" and "Frenchy's a surrender monkey". Stuff like that. Long story short, Atlanta and Milwaukee are now at war.


We don't have bombs and stuff though, so we're fighting with packs instead. We'll rip our packs and you vote on the best one. Remember, THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS! The fate of western civilization depends on you! Or not. Just vote on the packs already.


Thorzul's Pack:

Quad Sticker: Indians, Tigers, Royals, Brewers
39 Jeff Pico
608 Chet Lemon

170 Gary Templeton
630 Players of the Decade Will Clark

55 Kelly Downs
285 Luis Rivera
36 Vance Law
337 Bill Spiers (Lone claim to fame: Error on 1990
Score card, missing the "66" from birthdate "1966".
322 Tom Filer (Another horrible '90s Brewer I'd rather
113 Rick Luecken
198 Mark Carreon (Caught being distracted by that
wacky Howard Johnson. And, come to think about it,
doesn't he look an awful lot like Mark Ruffalo on this

492 Felix Fermin
433 Chris Sabo (Ugh...barring the Will Clark, this is
the hit of the pack. I'd advise voting against this
pack unless one of these men is a relative of yours.)
544 Dan Pasqua
259 Dan Quisenberry


Dayf's pack:

Fleer ACTION series stickers: Twins, Yankees, A's, M's
248 Frank DiPino - off to a wonderful start...
213 Randy Myers
502 Cory Snyder
413 Todd Benzinger
329 Tim McIntosh - dude, get a helmet that fits!
124 Matt Winters
286 Kevin Romine
654 Checklist A's, Cubs, Giants, Blue Jays
463 Sid Bream
511 Henry Cotto
245 Vince Coleman
270 Rick Cerone - the first of THREE straight lousy catchers
542 Matt Merullo
426 Joe Oliver - Joe looks like an OB/GYN waiting for his patient to crown
344 Tom Foley

Ugh. I love Sid Bream, but when he's the star of the pack you have problems. Cory Snyder was ok I guess. Vince Coleman was all right until he started blowing stuff up. Oh who am I kidding, this pack blows. I'm not even going to try to defend it. Instead let's see if you guys can answer the trivia questions on the back of the sticker:

1) True or False? The Yankees have won more Championships than any club in major league history.

2) What two teams did the Twins defeat in the 1987 post-season?

3) What other club entered the American League the same year as the Mariners?

4) True or False? The Athletics are the last club to win back-to-back Championships. (remember, this is 1990)

Now vote for the winner!


  1. gotta go with thorzul....at least he had a couple stars in his pack

  2. Thorzul...Quisenberry and Clark are the two players that grabbed my attention.

  3. Eesh, I go with Thorzul too. Just seeing these pack rips makes me feel a whole new wave of shame for owning the factory set.

  4. Thorzul, but good God. When the best card in either pack is Will Clark with horrible yellow border, and a photo of him bunting, we all lose.

  5. I guess I'll go with Thorzul, but that's mainly on the strength of the other pack getting a stinking checklist.

  6. Thorzul for sure... classic Tiger in Chet Lemon

  7. I'll cast the lone vote for dayf's pack as Matt Merullo is the lone player from the Little League that I played/coach in to have made the Majors. ;)

  8. Thorzul. The Will Clark card is a CLASSIC.

  9. Thorzul is the winner because he got Tom Filer who graduated from Archbishop Ryan High School in Philadelphia, the only MLB player to come from Ryan. I wonder who else went there, hmm...

  10. Traitors! Isn't anyone even going to guess the trivia questions?

  11. Thorzul wins.....THOOOORRZUUUUUUL WIIIINS!!!! Answers.1 true 2 detroit and st louis 3 blue jays 4 false 78/79 yankees

  12. Oops, I mean 77/78 Yankees

  13. I think the American people won. Now that these craptacular packs are off the market, every other 1990 Fleer pack must be, . . . um, well . . . comparatively less craptacular?

  14. Lauren is correct!

    As a reward for answering correctly (eventually), I will NOT send them this horrific pack of cards.
