Thursday, April 03, 2008

$10 Wal-Mart Legends Re-Wrap: 2005 Absolute Memorabilia

I already know what you're thinking. "What the fuck is a pack of 2005 Absolute Memorabilia doing in a Wal-Mart re-wrap? Wasn't that shit $40/pack?" Well, this is 2005 Absolute Memorabilia, but it's not that AM.

This is the retail version of AM. "Retail version? They made a retail version of Absolute Memorabilia?" Why yes. Yes they did.

Let's review.

2005 Absolute Memorabilia Hobby: Three base cards and one autogamer-per-pack.
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Retail: Five base cards per pack.

Hobby: MSRP of $40
Retail: MSRP of $2

Hobby: Typical mediocre mid-00s Donruss-Playoff design.
Retail: Typical mediocre mid-00s Donruss-Playoff design.

Hobby: Equally mediocre 100-card base set, printed on rainbow-foil stock.
Retail: Equally mediocre 100-card base set, printed on UV-coated stock.

Hobby: One of the most busted products of 2005.
Retail: One of the least busted products of 2005.

Get the picture? Let's dig in.

Jason Varitek
Vernon Wells
Paul Lo Duca
Mike Mussina
Pedro Martinez

And now you know why it was one of the least busted products of 2005.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, we are going to have a grass roots movement of loyal "A Pack a Day" readers. Everyone.... repeat after me...

    I (state your name) hereby demand that NO MORE LoDookie cards can be busted or scanned on any blog ever again.

    Does this guy's mother work for the card companies? He's in EVERY freakin' pack!
