Sunday, July 13, 2008

2005 Topps Updates and Highlights

Hey hey! Friday my roommate told me she was heading to Target, and my ears perked up. It's been too long since I've bought any packs, and I've had a hankering for a cheapo repack box lately. Plus, I desperately needed groceries. But that was more of a secondary concern. I don't blog about Cinnamon Life cereal, after all. Though maybe I should. Anyway, as I was pushing the cart through the store and near to the checkout lines, I just happened to pass the baseball card racks! Who'da thunk it? Seeing as how I was already there, it would've been rude not to pick up a $10 Fairfield Company repack box. It's one of the ones with four packs and a grab bag of 100 loose cards. There were two to choose from, so I went with the one that had a pack of 2007 Goudey in one of the windows. Wouldn't you? So here's one of the boring packs, before I get to the goods in the coming days.

The cover boys on the pack are Vlad Guerrero, Derrek Lee, and Albert Pujols. Six cards for an original price of 99 cents. Dig in!

UH278 Jake Postlewait First Year - Not to be confused with creepy British character actor Pete Postlethwaite.

UH1 Sammy Sosa - HAHAHAHAHA...ugh. Not one of the shrewder trades in Orioles history.

UH35 John Olerud - Olie shares my birthday, as do Carl Crawford and Mark Mulder. I barely remember him being on the Sawx, though it's even harder to remember his time with the Yankees (49 games in 2004).

UH50 Jeff Kent - Think Jeff Kent has a shot at the Hall of Fame? Considering that he's got a well-earned reputation as a poophead, his chances of getting elected by the highfalutin BBWAA are slim and none.

UH188 Derrek Lee 2005 MLB All-Star - The Fish traded him for Hee Seop Choi and a minor leaguer. For their sake, I hope it was just a salary dump.

UH28 Jason Vargas - Card back says he was born righty and his father taught him to throw lefty. Smart dude.

Checklist 2 of 3 - Mostly the inserts. Hmm, I could've gotten an Andre Dawson relic or a Pedro Martinez signature. But hey, at least I didn't pull a damned Barry Bonds Home Run History card.


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Yes, Jeff Kent is a pyewphead.

  2. I'm working on one of those Fairfield boxes as well. See my post of July 7. I'm fairly happy with the selection I got, except for the BONUS INSIDE which turned out to be a 1990 pack of Donruss.

  3. I think we're at the point where BBWA members get together a day before the votes are due, throw a dart at the ballot, and whoever they hit gets in.
