Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thank you, thank you very much (2008 Elvis by the Numbers)

This is what happens when I am sent to the store to buy Halloween goodies for my daughter's school party... I end up with a pack of 2008 PressPass Elvis by the Numbers. WTH was I thinking? (edit - in my haste to post this earlier, I forgot to explain WHY it's called 'by-the-numbers.' Se, on the back, each card has a number and that number is related to the photo and the write-up on back. Example: the Lisa Marie has 36.58, which turns out to be the wingspan in meters... Groovy, huh?)

Each pack sports five cards. Every pack comes with a Dick Perez "Canvas Creation" card (we'll see it below). Wow, so Wal-Mart/PressPass got Dick Perez to paint Elvis... The first card out of the pack is "Fat Elvis" though he appears to be severely airbrushed to a thinner state... Or maybe he wasn't fat yet when this was taken. The next one is the Elvis-does-Bruce-Lee-for-Halloween pose. All kidding aside, he actually earned 8th degree black belt status in 1974. Wasn't he a bit fat and on serious drugs to be chopping wood with his head?

The next card is of the Lisa Marie... No, that's not his daughter in the picture. That would be a plane, though I suppose I could understand why some might make a mistake. Oh, that was rude. My apologies to the Convair folks. The next is a still from Jailhouse Rock. Even I, an openly anti-Elvis person, have to admit JHR was a decent flick for the genre and time period. And, finally, my 1/1 Wal-Mart Dick Perez Canvas Creation - Elvis in the Army. I dunno, he looks a little 'Colonel Klink-ish' here....

There are cut signatures, hair samples, spit swabs, gun shells, drug paraphernalia, er, uh, okay, maybe not.. But you really can get signatures if you buy enough boxes... Though, really, I'd have to pass... Man, that's two dollars I could have spent on a Choco-Taco....


  1. Agreed. The Choco-Taco would have been WAY better.

  2. Holy semolians. Thanks for the warning.
