Thursday, November 20, 2008

1991 Studio

I'll keep it brief and bulleted today:
  • Repack blister pack.
  • Got momentarily excited when I saw this wrapper before purchasing.
  • Thought it was going to be a Stadium Club pack.
  • Was disappointed.
  • Thought '91 Studio wasn't really THAT bad if it was the set I was thinking it was.
  • Opened it up and found this...
116 - Randy Johnson (Hobbies & Interests include watching David Letterman. Facts on the back are in lieu of stats on the back and are reprinted in bold print without permission of Leaf, Inc.)

246 - Atlee Hammaker (Favorite TV show is Andy Griffith. This guy looks like a shop teacher.)
186 - Jose Offerman (Heroes: Alfredo Griffin and Tony Fernandez. Did Offerman ever play for the Jays?)

130 - Bobby Witt (Favorite TV show is The Three Stooges... is a fan of all the Boston teams. Hooray Boston Teams! This is the face he makes when he watches The Boston Teams.)
70 - Kurt Stillwell (Collects fishing lures. Can't make this stuff up. Well, I probably could, but if you dare challenge me I will find out where you live and mail you this card.)
10 - David Segui (His hero is Frank Howard. His Hobbies & Interests were boring.)

79 - Greg Vaughn (Greg enjoys collecting pogs. I may or may not have fabricated this one a bit.)

19 - Jeff Reardon (Watches Miami Vice on TV. Still.)

228 - Don Slaught (Watches L.A. Law and The Rockford Files. Still.)
168 - Hal Morris (Favorite TV show is Masterpiece Theatre. Hal has totally moved on to Antiques Roadshow now.)
22-23-24 - Rod Carew Puzzle Pieces

This is definitely not the set I was thinking of. I was thinking of the slightly less nauseating but still crummy '92 set.


  1. I actually like this set.

  2. I'm actually collecting this set. I have a handful of them. Think we could work on a trade?
