Tuesday, December 16, 2008

2008 Upper Deck A Piece of History Retail (aka Artifacts)

This is the type of thing I normally stay away from, at least until it ends up being picked through by a year's worth of pack searchers and those creepy people at stores that feel the need to touch everything they lay their eyes on. Once that $1.59 sticker gets slapped on it, the curiosity starts to churn within me. This time, I didn't have to wait for that to happen. I dropped by our area monthly card show the other day and one guy had a table full of nothing but retail packs and boxes at a discounted price. I grabbed this pack for $2 and opened it here, for you, on the internet. I don't really know anything about this set other than that it has two names for some strange reason.

74 - Jimmy Rollins (He's a champion. He has a stupid nickname. He is a SHORTSTOP.)

151 - Fall of the Berlin Wall (History? Yep. Baseball history? Nope.)
128 - Carlos Muniz (RC) (The design for the rookies reminds you that he is a rookie. Twice.)

CSC-WS - C.C. Sabathia / Dontrelle Willis Cut From the Same Cloth 334/799 (Why does this card exist? This design was obviously made for jersey swatches, right? They would go where the gold team logos are, I assume. Willis is pictured in his Florida uniform, but with a Tigers logo, which means they probably only have pieces of his Marlins jersey to spare. Also, what do these guys have to do with each other? They're both pitchers... that's it.)

147 - Luis Mendoza (RC) (Ditto for what I said about rookies up above. I think it's pretty strange that there are any cards of rookies in a set that is as pompously named as this.)


  1. I believe Sabathia and Willis are the only two African-American starting pitchers in the big leagues. David Price will likely bring that number to three next season. To me, that's a pretty neat card.

  2. willis and CC are also both gigantic and left-handed. they are cut from the same cloth, and it is probably a tablecloth or a napkin...

  3. J-Roll is a great nickname. Whatchu talkin bout Willis??? Literally, your nickname would be one-pack or one-pack-a-day. So you either drink to much as a chubber or smoke too much as a smoker. Either way, I like you and your site. Don't bust on the Phils man. I'm 30 and have watched 155 games a year since I was 2 probably. I would leave my wife before I left the Phils. We have had enough heartache (and glorious amazingnous last year that I will die a happy man....I cried, ok...is that enough?) in the past 30 years. Sympathize with my years of absolute horridity(prospects like tony longmire, ricky jordan etc) I love baseball cards, baseball, and the phils heart and soul. J Roll is a great nickname. If you want great nicknames I can mail you total baseball(circa 1992, the only year made. From that you will see some great nicknames from the early 2900's. J-Roll will enter into their abyss as a great nickname. Also, I hate 1988 topps. I love the 1984's. Will this ever show up? Britney Murphy died today. I also punched a pelican in the face. What do you think about that? Dropkick pow! Tom Not agressive...just shitfaced...bye
