Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2008 Tristar Projections High # Series

There are five cards per pack with the off-chance of pulling autos, serially-numbered parallels, "ProDebut" cards, and "Reflectives (whatever in the heck THOSE are):"

Ah, yes, remember when you were young (or go ask your Mom or Dad), and the 'high-numbered' cards were the ones to get. Why? Because they came out later in the season and not as many were produced. Or so that's what traditional convention holds. I can only assume companies are banking on the nod to yesteryear with these 'ooo, ahhh, high series' cards. In today's world of digital media and imaging, nothing is rare anymore that is newly produced. Sure, find some of Babe Ruth's hair, maybe. But even that relies on an OLD find. Cards today can be produced in any quantity any time. So why did I buy it? Well, it came 'free' in a multi-pack repack thingy I bought.

Pictured above, we have Jonathan Herrera (Tulsa Drillers) and Michael Watt (GCL Dodgers). I will give some credit to the folks at Tristar. At least they shelled out the cash to be allowed to mention the pro team that drafted the various players. I absolutely HATE all those stupid "TEAM USA" cards that never tell you who drafted the guy, so you have no idea what team to lump him with. In any case, Herrera was drafted by Colorado and Watt by the Dodgers (which worked well for him, I guess, given he was already on their Minor League team).

Now, we find Scott Carroll (Billings Mustangs), Josh Geer (San Antonio Missions), and Danny Duffy (AZL Royals). Is Danny Duffy any relation to Mike Duffy? I wonder. Another thing I like about the cards is the photo credits on the back of each one. That begs the question: If I go to an MiLB game and take photos of the players, can I submit those to Tristar for possible future use? That would be cool. Though the bragging rights would only encompass a relatively small personal circle for me. Well, Carroll went to Cinn City, Geer to San Diego, and Duffy to KC.

I suppose I will be on the hunt for Tribers in this set, and these seen today will be allocated to their corresponding MLB team.

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