Saturday, February 21, 2009

$6 Wal-Mart repack box - 2004 UD Diamond Coll.

Went into Wal-Mart for some supplies and stopped by the card aisle (well, ya can't just go in there and walk by it now, can you?). The only thing that appealed was this three pack rewrap box hanging on a peg hook. It had these UD Diamond Collections pasted on the back of a 2007 Topps Opening Day and a 2006 UD Masterpieces. Although heavily covered, the Masterpieces pack was an interesting mix too and will probably show up here in a few days. (Especially since there seems to be a drought of APAD posts lately.)

59 Jason Giambi - These would be nice cards if they hadn't been beaten up when the pack was turned and glued to the back of the others and sealed in the box. They're all a little wavy and this one took the worst of it. It ended up with roller marks and a couple angled notches in the side.

64 Bobby Abreu - (pre-Yankees). The last name above the "Diamond Collection" gets lost in these, I think. This one's nice with the red and bronze.

92 Colby Miller Freshman Class - Hasn't made it past AA ball yet. Spent 2008 with Marlins affiliates.

FG-IS Kaz Ishii GU - Imagine that! A jersey in a $6 repack retail box. A dinky little swatch, but nice looking card....

43 Hideo Nomo - Started with Dodgers, then went through four teams in four seasons until ending up back in LA.

77 Ichiro - Ichiro completes the "base cards of players whose names end in vowels" subset of this pack.

AS-HB Hank Blalock game card - I never know whether these are keeper cards or not. Usually I keep 'em and they stay in the dupe box forever.

Another nice design from Upper Deck. Too bad the Wal-Martization process beat 'em up so bad.


  1. I have never seen this set before. That's a rarity. Cool find.

  2. I've opened tons of these packs because they always pop up in blisters that I buy and I have a few things to say about them. First of all, I always pull crap from the packs, so you pack surprised me. Second of all, I could barely tell that was a jersey card [I HATE small swatches -- you got all that card space! Do it big!]. Third of all, I hate when card companies put swatches in letter/number outlines. For this reason, I'd never buy a pack of Topps Sterling [even if I were rich]. It looks so childish when a swatch is under an outline of "2B" or "STL" or something stupid like that.

    Okay, rant over.

  3. Swap out the Giambi for a Zito and this would be Dinged Corners' dream pack...

  4. At first I was kind of puzzled as to why they made the swatch in the shape of a letter "G". After looking at it for awhile, I'm pretty sure it's so Upper Deck can save money. With one tiny circle of jersey, they can make 2 G's. The name "Future Gems" probably came as an afterthought to market the new more efficient swatch design.

  5. I've seen those repacks before, but they always seem to have a 1991 Upper Deck pack hiding in them. It's cool that you got three packs that were actually somewhat recent.

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