Thursday, June 12, 2008

2004 Upper Deck Vintage

I opened my first pack of this stuff a little while ago, with pretty good results. Here's the other Target cheapie I bought on the same trip.

Let's tear in.

Top to Bottom:
180 Ryan Franklin
147 Joe Crede

266 Alfredo Amezaga (Fun name to say.)
269 Miguel Ojeda
253 Danny Kolb (Alright, a Brewer! Not a good one. I retract the "alright.")

SSM-23 Alex Rodriguez Stellar Stat Men Game-Used Black Swatch (Unbelievable pull for one of these retread packs! Helps restore my faith in retail.)

76 Magglio Ordonez (Wow! No juicy curl emerging from the batting helmet, and a Ron Kittle-era jersey to boot!)

139 Hideo Nomo (Once a Racing Sausage when with the Brewers.)
271 Hideki Matsui

Grade: A
The A-Rod card is more than I would have ever expected from one of these packs. There are some small creases on the front, as this card came from the time when manufacturers had not yet learned how to stiffen their relic cards. (Or, at least, Viagrafication had not yet become standard practice.) The back of this card also protrudes a bit, but I won't let that get me down.

I like the journeyman aspect of this card, as it contains a Mariners swatch on a Rangers card from a current Yankee. Hands Across America and Scheiße. (The word that comes to mind following Germany's 2-1 loss to Croatia in today's Euro 2008 matchup. Oh well, they will prevail on Monday and make it to the knocout round.)

Check out Thorzul today. I wish I could say that every click means dollars going to charity, but it doesn't.


  1. Germany were flat, Croatia were right on, the way we should play!


  2. On the Rodriguez card, do they show him faking a bunt? As if any 3rd baseman is going to say "Durrrrr, I guess I'd better play in tight because a guy making $25 M/year and hitting 45 HR/year might try to lay one down." I suppose it could be the first pitch in batting practice because I can't think of any other time you'd want Rodriguez' hands up the bat to bunt.

    Also, is that Magglio Ordonez or Ron (.071) Karkovice in that scan?
