Over on my own blog I'm chugging through the
Slowest Box Break Ever, a Bowman Heritage break that so far has taken 3 weeks. Just to show I can do things speedy-like if I want to, I'm going to live blog a UD Masterpieces blaster box break tonight at about 10:00pm eastern. It's been a little slow here lately so it's time to liven things up a bit. Here's what I'm a gonna do:
- At or around 10:00pm, I will update the post announcing the box break is on, noting the time.
- I will rip open each pack, list the cards out, scan the best one, and post it, again noting the time.
- I will rinse and repeat seven more times for each of the packs.
- At the same time I am doing this, I will place each card in plastic sheets along with the rest of my set.
- Dupes will be segregated and listed out at the end of the box break.
- All dupes from the box will be immediately up for trade, first come, first served.
- To make a trade: e-mail me at dayf13 -at- gmail -dot- com. Just tell me which ones you want and we'll work out what's coming back in return later.
- If the Collation Gods smile upon me and there are zero dupes in the box (I have 42 cards out of 90 so far, so it's possible, but unlikely) sorry, you're out of luck. No trades this time.
- BONUS: if I can't break this box and post it in fifteen minutes from the first rip to the last pack, everyone* who comments on this post within 24 hours of the break gets a free Masterpieces card even if I have to buy another box to fulfill the offer.
- BONUS BONUS: if this box nets a 'hit' of either an auto, gamer, or framed parallel, everyone who comments while I'm breaking the box gets a free prize. I'll be checking the comments as soon as the box is done, so don't try waiting and sneaking in a comment late.
- BONUS BONUS BONUS: No SASEs! You win a prize, I'll put the stamp on the package!
That's it until 10pm tonight, let's see some action here!
UPDATE: ok, it's ten o'clock, let's do this thing. I have before me the unopened box. How do you know it's unopened? You don't. You'll have to trust me on this one. When I give the signal, I'm ripping. I'll post all 8 packs within 15 minutes or you get a free card. On my mark...
10:05pm - RIP!!!!
Pack 1: 10:06pm
4 Bill Mazeroski
65 Alex Gordon RC
1 Babe Ruth
79 Chipper Jones

All doubles except the Gordon, not a good start.
Pack 2: 10:08pm
82 Tim Lincecum RC
30 Derek Jeter
66 Howie Kendrick
86 Boston Red Sox

More dupes, get your trades in..
Pack 3: 10:10pm
39 Frank Thomas
52 Johan Santana
21 Walter Johnson
8 Lou Gehrig

Big train & Lou!
Pack 4: 10:13pm
26 Sandy Koufax
11 Bucky Dent
73 Justin Morneau
47 John F. Kennedy

Sandy and da Prez!
Pack 5: 10:15pm
37 Miguel Cabrera
24 Jackie Robinson
60 Bruce Sutter
34 Troy Tulowitzki RC

Pack 6: 10:16pm
89 Reggie Jackson
63 Stephen Drew
28 Kei Igawa RC
59 Bobby Doerr

Gotta hurry...
Pack 7: 10:17pm
76 Bill Clinton
50 Carlos Beltran
35 Joe Mauer
46 Michael Jordan

90's special, Bill & Mike
Pack 8: 10:20pm
36 Travis Hafner
44 Hideki Matsui
22 Babe Ruth
85 Mets

Post! No scans!
Final: - 10:23. The posts got in on time but the scans got all jacked up. Stupid scanner. I'm typing up the dupes now, Everybody who gets a comment in before I post a comment myself, gets a free card. I said fastest box break, not fastest scanner.
10:33 - Here's the list of dupes, claim yours now in the comments section or by e-mailing me. First come first served! Cards in bold are still available for trade, the rest have been claimed.
1 Babe Ruth - Claimed by nmboxer4 Bill Mazeroski - Claimed by Thorzul8 Lou Gehrig - Claimed by Kevin24 Jackie Robinson - Claimed by shanediaz8230 Derek Jeter - Claimed by mmosley
39 Frank Thomas66 Howie Kendrick (2)73 Justin Morneau79 Chipper Jones - Claimed by Brian
86 Red Sox (2)89 Reggie Jackson - Claimed by tc
Update: These cards are available too, I just found my stash of doubles. If you've already claimed a card, feel free to change your mind.
51 Delmon Young RC
70 David Wright - Trades pending
83 Billy Butler RC - one claimed by darkship, one left
10:53 - Post-Mortem.
All in all a pretty good break. No big hits, but I got 21 cards to fill out my set and a few to trade. I really wanted that Ruth Red Sox card too. If you are eligible for a card, claim the one you want in the comments and send me an e-mail telling me where I can send it to. I'll try to have them sent by Friday. This break went fantastic, look for another one in December. Next time maybe I'll give you more than a few hours notice!
*THE FINE PRINT: Free Masterpieces offer limited to the first 32 commenters. I'll buy a blaster and a book of stamps to fulfill my bet, but I'm not risking this getting posted on Digg or Fark and ending up with 800 comments.
The 'hit' offer is unlimited, but if we somehow get 50 unique comments in 10 minutes, it may take a while to send them all out.