Look at that wrapper. OH MY LORD just look at that wrapper! Holy sweet merciful crap LOOK AT THAT WRAPPER! This is the greatest mickyfickin' wrapper of the MILLENNIUM! The whole freakin' thing is rainbow holographic! It's not just the X, it's the whole damn THING! Just look at the back!

EVEN THE LEGALESE IS AN ORGY OF DANCING RAINBOWS! And they put odds back there! Shimmering colorful odds! When was the last time Upper Deck had odds on a pack? I think Pacific was still around. This is the wrapper of the year! No doubt. Man can you imagine the CARDS that they put in this pack? If the wrapper is this good, imagine the cards! What could they possibly look like? I'll bet it looks like this. Oh man oh man I have to open this to get a look at those beautiful cards!

What. The heck. Is that.
It looks like a zombie Fleer one-off set design come back from the grave. Woo, an X. Hooray, a gallon of silver ink. Yay, a design busier than the Wall Street suicide hotline. Now lets back up a sec. A wrapper that looks like this:

44 Jeremy Hermida
23 Geovany Soto
63 Carlos Beltran
81 Khalil Greene mostly die-cut
X2-HU Torii Hunter Xponential level 2? I think
78 Nate McLouth
64 Johan Santana
50 Howie Kendrick
Most of these cards are going straight into various trade piles. If UD had done a set with just the Xponentials and sold them as 3 or 4 card packs this might actually be kind of worth it. At least it would be a damn good looking set. This... this is awful. Beware kiddos... There are shiny sirens in the trading card aisle, ready to dash your collecting hopes straight into the rocks.
And the award for "Most Meaningless Product Not Named Opening Day" goes to....
The contrast between the shinyness of the pack and the crappiness of the cards offers the same letdown as when you go into a restaurant and the girl that sits you down is really hot but your waitress is a dog.
For the rest of my life I shall mentally move hyphens. Thank you. At least your pack gave ME something.
XKCD infects another soul.
My work here is done.
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